Safety at Work
9 Million+ Lost Time Injury (LTI) Free Man Hours
At LEE Engineering, Safety is our topmost Priority. from 2004-2016, the company has achieved over 9 million Lost Time injury (LTI) free man hours.
Working safely in difficult terrains, amidst security challenges, carrying out High risk activities with very large number of personnel on site, most of them locals from Project community area, with limited HSE experience is made possible by strong Safety Leadership culture and Supervision.
Through systematic Hazard Identification and Risk mitigation process, LEE Engineering and Construction Limited has been able to achieve the following milestone throughout its operations;
Effective application of Safe systems of Work, supervision, Sub-contractor HSE management, Leadership commitment to Facility inspections and effective Safety Campaigns has been the major driver of our HSE Success story. Incident reporting and investigation; collation, analysis and proactive use of Safety leading indicators for decision making is a culture in LEE Engineering.
Health and safety of our personnel, clients, visitors and local communities where we work is of paramount priority and is treated as a Business objective.