The Okrika jetty rehabilitation/ reconstruction project is a total EPC project.
Upgrading and Rehabilitation/reconstruction of the entire Jetties A & B includes;
Manifolding of white products/bunker lines to allow the station Load and Offload from a common Header. Upgrading of the safety integrity level of the Jetties
Upgrading the process system and replacing the existing electrically operated MOV to Electro-hydraulically MOV to enable operations with or without electricity
Replacement for existing loading Arms with a more sophisticated Loading Arms. The new loading arms have position monitoring system, complete with the following additional
features-DDV/ERS, Hydraulically operated QC/QD, Electro-hydraulically operated additional ball valves at the end of the outer arms, etc.
Provision of Emergency Release Systems for the Loading Arms with Remote Control System
Expansion of Jetty A top deck Civil and Mechanical reconstruction. Replacement of all Instrument, Electrical, Safety and utility systems.
This project involves working in a marine environment with cranes on jack-up barge, ramp/work barges, speed boats, tug boats and other marine equipment