An EPC project. Activities includes Change out of all manual 6″ valves and 6″ Emergency shutdown valves at the gas inlet manifold.
• Dismantling, cleaning and pressure testing of free liquid knock out vessel and servicing and calibration of all associated instruments for control and shutdown.
• Remove of worn out Heat exchanger tubes and welding of new sets of tubes and pressure testing of the completed Heat exchanger.
• Desanding of the classifier and Low temperature Separator, pressure testing of the Vessels, servicing and calibration of all the
associated instruments on the vessel.
• Servicing and calibration of all Off skid instrument and valves.
• Revamp the out of Service water bath heaters. • Revamp the Robertshaw panel and the instruments in the Control room
• Desanding and pressure testing the condensate vessel and service or replace and calibrate the associated instruments.
• Revamp of the Saver pit instruments and Consolidated pneumatic pump
• Change out of the sales line valves and replacement of the instrumentations.
• Revamp of the Fuel gas Scrubbers